Sunday, January 6, 2013

When Conquest is My Aim

...And behold I saw a light,
That was no light!
But a tripwire into
A pit of temptational sin
I leaped toward the gate
Dare? I would not crawl!
Through bloodshed of the past
I became a victim once more
Of something I should've seen
Of something I could withhold
But damn the tentacles
I embrace yet another fall

I, a wide open mind
As to you, wide open soul
But to be tied as a knot
We felt no harm to be done

Thy, to be crossing
My 'salt on wound' trail
Thy pusheth the salt deeper
A straight face...
I've felt this before

As the night became bolder
The lights were flickering in a pale darkness
That smelled of inferior collective conspiracy

A truly ghastly gesture
Our minds rotten
But content with where we stand

This was of one night
But how many more to follow?
All I yearned for
Nearly reached its peak
Let us silently speak
As I won't tread these shores
Unless conquest is my aim

Thou tempt me with mere seduction
As I speak, I won't lie
So it's working and I'm sure
To blast my way through this voyage

Written 18-02-2003

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