Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Of Darkest Depressions

The creature, that kept creeping
To inflict yet more pain
To his unintent life
It gave not the hope or pride
He'd slain from his side
To believe that the loner he became
Would become all the more wiser
And headed for disencouragement eternally
The cold and bleakness in his heart
Killed all joy and reason

For thee he does not seek;
An unforgiveable eternity
As to bow, but not to break
Splendour, he won't be given

So shall the fear emerge
So shall it eventually take
Only to overcome again
More overwhelming sorrow

Ye seek the darkest depressions
Thus not the enlightenment abound
And further he shall exile
Into 'frowned upon' mystery

So believe that none shall speak
In his passing among the weak
Grace, he won't be given

For the fire burns deep in his eyes
No escape - as he never would
From landscapes wihout view
His stillness will be set aflame
As isolation sets the stage
The man who didn't shed
Leaves to be left,
As one.

Written 14-02-2003

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